Favorite thing about high school
Sports and One Acts

Favorite food/drink
Lasagna, Chocolate Milk

Favorite Hobbies
Working Out, Playing Hide & Seek in Logan's Basement

What is one thing you always want to be remembered for by underclassmen?
My Hair

If you had a superpower, what would it be and why?
I want to blow stuff up with my mind. Cuz how cool would that be?!


If you were stranded on an island, what would you do to survive?
First I would find a monkey to be my henchman, or rather henchmonkey. Then I would relax with this monkey for about 3 days. After I finish procrastinating, we would build a shelter out of coconut trees. I would then continue making 5-star shelters until I had about 100. Next I would create a bowling alley and restaurant. During the nights, my monkey and I would eat bananas and fresh wild fruits growing on the island. After about a month and a half of being stranded, I would most likely be rescued because I'm kind of a big deal. I would then return home for a week, and then fly back to the island and open it as a 5-star resort. Then my monkey and I would live happily ever after, as billionaires $$$